GYMNASTICS CLASS - 2024 class details

This class meets Monday - Thursday in the SCRD gym. This class will be an ongoing monthly program that will be held throughout the school year. This class is for ages 3&UP (children must be potty trained). The cost is $45 for the first month (includes t-shirt) then $35/month after that. Payments are due by the first of each month. Sign ups are available with the instructor. For more information contact the recreation office at 912-863-2388.
Class Schedule:
Class Time: 4:15PM-5:15PM
Class Days: Monday-Thursday
Location: SCRD gym
Instructor will let parents know if there is class change due to holidays/school breaks.
Class Pricing:
$45/month for the first month (includes t-shirt) then regular $35/month per child
*Payments will be due at the beginning of each month.
*If payments cannot be paid on time, a $5.00 late fee will be added!
Class Schedule:
Class Time: 4:15PM-5:15PM
Class Days: Monday-Thursday
Location: SCRD gym
Instructor will let parents know if there is class change due to holidays/school breaks.
Class Pricing:
$45/month for the first month (includes t-shirt) then regular $35/month per child
*Payments will be due at the beginning of each month.
*If payments cannot be paid on time, a $5.00 late fee will be added!